Blue Orange Games
The powerful CROSSWORD-STYLE math game!
Stretch your brain with this unique crossword-style numbers game. Building a grid, players add up their numbered tiles to a multiple of the number on the rolled die. Scores grow with every connected row and column. Look no further for a cool math game. 1 - 8 players!
Sumoku is a unique crossword-style game with numbers. Whether you are looking for a fast-paced challenge with friends, a solo brain building pastime, or an addictive math game that brings the whole family together, Sumoku has it all. It can be played five different ways! Just add up tiles to multiples of the number shown on the die, connect them all together, and you have a Sumoku! Look no further for a cool math game.
Oppenheim Gold Seal
Parents’ Choice Gold Award
Parents Magazine 55 Best Toys
For 1 - 8 players,
Rated for kids 9+, it actually could be played by someone a little younger as long as they have a good grasp on their addition skills. There are custom rules depending on the number of players you have (up to 8 players) as well as at least four other additional rulesets depending on your situation. There’s one for speed play to make the game quicker (our regular game took about 45 minutes) and another set of rules for team play.
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