The Little Feminist Locked Diary from Mudpuppy continues the journaling tradition and invites young writers to chronicle their own adventures. Illustrations by Lydia Ortiz...
Mudpuppy's Hot Dogs Puzzle to Go features adorable illustrations of favorite dog breeds. Packaged in a travel-friendly drawstring bag, puzzling on the go has...
Mudpuppy’s Mighty Dinosaurs My First Touch & Feel Puzzles introduces problem-solving to young minds in a fun, tactile way. Textured pieces make each puzzle...
Mudpuppy’s Arctic Life Search & Find Puzzle is double the fun! First, children can piece together the 64 piece puzzle featuring diverse and colorful...
Mudpuppy's Girl Power! Magnetic Dress-up comes with four illustrated background scenes and three sheets of magnets for dressing up these amazing women from history....
Mudpuppy's Little Feminist Playing Cards feature colourfully illustrated portraits of real women who have historically impacted the world. Illustrations by Lydia Ortiz introduce children...
27 double-sided puzzle squares. Sort the squares by the background colour then arrange the pieces to reveal construction vehicle images, digger, concrete truck, crane,...
Mudpuppy's Unicorn Puzzle Squares includes 27 double-sided pieces that create six different nine-piece puzzles! Sort the pieces by colour and place them in the...
Princess. 32 Double-sided birchwood game pieces. Checkers on one side. Chess on the other side. Travel friendly fabric bag with the game board silkscreened...
Put together this 1000 piece family puzzle from Mudpuppy to reveal:"Your World." The completed puzzle features a vibrant and playful assortment of animals on...
Mudpuppy's Transportation Puzzle Sticks includes 24 double-sided pieces that create six different eight-piece puzzles! Sort the sticks by colour and place them in the...
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